About Omologist

We manage Google Ads Accounts for companies and Agencies

We love data and finding ways to improve how a marketing campaign performs while also not forgetting the mundane chores, make them easy to maintain and ensure a well run campaign.

Sean has been using Google Ads since 2001, not long after Google Ads (Adwords) began, and has seen the platform evolve over 20 years from a simple CPM platform to the complexity we see today with Google Ads.

Omologist manages Google Ads clients for agencies extending the services of those agencies and providing them with a value add to their credentials.

Today the team manage Google Ads accounts for a range of retail, B2B, eCommerce and industrial businesses around the world.

Call us on 0405 519 559


Omologist.com is a Google Partner

Omologist — Omology means the study of digital marketing and an Omologist is a digital marketing professional.

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