About Omologist
We manage Google Ads Accounts for companies and Agencies
We love data and finding ways to improve how a marketing campaign performs while also not forgetting the mundane chores, make them easy to maintain and ensure a well run campaign.
Sean has been using Google Ads since 2001, not long after Google Ads (Adwords) began, and has seen the platform evolve over 20 years from a simple CPM platform to the complexity we see today with Google Ads.
Omologist manages Google Ads clients for agencies extending the services of those agencies and providing them with a value add to their credentials.
Today the team manage Google Ads accounts for a range of retail, B2B, eCommerce and industrial businesses around the world.
Call us on 0405 519 559
Google Rating
Based on 6 reviews
Trish Goodyear
Sean has been a valued and integral part of our business to get TCC to where it is today. We highly recommend Omologist to elevate your presence on the Web.
Sean's assisting my business Brands in Motion with SEO work to improve my new websites visibility. It's been nearly 4 months with alot of work behind the scenes but confident with his experience that our corporate promo merch enquiries will begin to flow once again in months ahead.
Victor Smith
Without a doubt the best in the business. Sean’s knowledge is incomparable and he will no doubt get more business your way.